I gave my first Intermediate Bridge Lesson for 2010 today. It lasted three hours in the morning and there was a great roll-up of eager players wanting to learn about Cue Bidding and Trump Management. I try to give two topics each time, one on bidding and the other on card-play, and today was no exception.
Altogether, 28 people turned up to pay their $5 for the occasion and, incidentally, the money goes to the club, not me! Like the last time, I started by giving the players some deals to play, and much of the time they failed to arrive in the right contract (suit and level). This is because my specially constructed deals contained void suits that the usual slam bidding systems (Blackwood and Gerber for the initiated) cannot handle. Cue bidding, on the other hand, was able to handle the deals well. After half time, the play focused on when declarer should not draw trumps. Again, for the initiated, we covered things like cross-ruffing, dummy reversal, side suit establishment, maintaining communications between declarer and dummy's hands.
It took me a whole week to construct the powerpoint presentation seen on the wall on one of the two attached photos. The Armidale Bridge Club is very well set up for lessons, with a good data projector, a couple of computers, a commercial grade (and very fast) printer, and a dealing machine. The club is really humming at the moment with enthusiastic players, beginners, and club members willing to serve it in all sorts of capacities.
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