Tuesday, 29 May 2012

A trip to Sausalito

Yesterday, Dot and I took refuge from the crowds along San Francisco's who'd come into town for Memorial day by taking the ferry across the bay to Sausalito. The trip there was lovely, with our little craft swaying in the pacific swell coming under the Golden gate bridge and passing Alcatraz, the subject of earlier post this year.

The town is attractively located on the north shore of the bay and is effectively an up-market commuter suburb + lifestyle hang-out for artists and creative people. It was also crowded with cyclists who head there across the Golden Gate and take the ferry back to the Embarcadero. And then there are the tourists like us who want to stroll among the art galleries, sip coffee at one of the innumerable and fortunately privately owned coffee houses, and admire the Mediterranean-style environment and atmosphere. As someone told us in Vancouver, "this city has over 100 Starbucks establishments, which is 95 too many!" The photos show what I mean.

By the way, the harbour was crammed with expensive yachts, a virtual forest of masts floating among some of the largest jelly-fish I've seen in the wild.

And here's Tiburon on the opposite side of the cove - a very similar place in lifestyle, though much more off the tourist circuit.

Notice for once the absence of SF's notorious fog! Although it looks warm and inviting, the northerly breeze was stiff and I doubt if the temperature got much above 17C.


1 comment:

Richard said...

You ought to be here in Poole if you want good temperatures. We have had it in the region of 28*C all week and have needed a fan in the bedroom at night to enable us to sleep. Richard.