Sunday 22 September 2013

Entertaining the Kids

The Porchetta festival noted in the last posting was a family affair, but as we know from experience youngsters are rarely enthused by ethnic foods and the mystique surrounding them. The festival solved this problem easily by putting on a wonderful range of activities for kids of all ages - as the following pictures reveal. The first shows Max on stilts - not as easy as it might appear.

A real Punch and Judy show with traditional characters. Alas I took the photo after the puppets disappeared!

Fiddling with sticks. Max began to get the hand of it after a while.

Meanwhile, Bec succeeded in holding her spinning plate aloft, something I couldn't master.

There was face painting, but all the boys received the same look. Max wasn't overly impressed and washed his off before we went to the wildlife park.

The juggler was a big attraction for kids of all ages ... and adults.


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