Saturday, 5 July 2014

Max's 10th

Beethoven, Schubert, and Mahler wrote 9 - or in the case of the last two 9.5 - symphonies, but Max has trumped them and written his 10th birthday. We celebrated the event by renting a two-bedroom apartment at the Adina on Crown Street close to Sydney's CBD and from there we went on various expeditions, including one a glorious, albeit hugely expensive, performance of the Lion King musical at the capitol theatre. Anyway, here are a few pictures of the three days we were there focusing on Max himself. He received a couple of smash toys, which were soon smashed and discarded.

And here he is being blown away as our Manly ferry headed into a stiff breeze.

... while in Manly itself it was nice and sunny and warm he and Maxi..mum posed for a photo on the esplanade.

A study of concentration on the ferry itself awaiting departure from Circular Quay.

Inspecting a rather impressive model railway layout at a toy-shop in the splendid Queen Victoria building.

Sipping a sugary drink at Uncle Dick's 80th birthday celebration at a rather nice restaurant at the boat club in Sans Souci (tr. Without a Care) in Sydney's south.

And a last photo taken at the Lion King. It's a pity I didn't take a picture of Max at his main event and, in its absence, I post a picture of me and Maximum posing with a Zulu warrior in the foyer. There was no danger to us from his weapon because he was fake - as stiff as a corpse.


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