Thursday 2 November 2023

Some Events Last Week - end of October 2023

 Armidale might only have a population of 25,000 but it's host to many extremely interesting events. Here are some of the things that interested my in the last week of October. The first item isn't confined to Armidale. It's a picture of avery large moon taken from our garden.

These next two pictures were taken at an event organised by Armnidale's Smart Regional Incubator (SRI) which focusses on promoting local businesses and infrastructure. This event last Thursday focussed on expanding the region's huge role in delivering green electricity to northern NSW - through wind, phot-volcaic cells, and hydro. Numerous regional leaders - as shown here - discussed best options and managment for the transition. I've known Lou Conway standing on the left for many years and she's head of the SRI.

Two days later I found myself at Armidale's commercial Art Gallery for a book launch. Armidale has regional Australia's largest art gallery with many classical art-works created over perhaps the last 150 years. The town gallery - shown in the first 2 pictures below - sells the often magnificent work of contemporary local artists.

However, what really attracted me to the event shown was the launch of a book bringing together the art-works of a friend of mine - Terry Cooke - shown below addressing the large audience. Some of his work is shown in the picture two-above, but he also placed his recent work in a lovely bookl focussing on his perceptions of Armidale and its region.

The next day, Sunday, saw the monthly Markets in the Mall, which Dot and I attend regularly looking for local foods and heaps of local creations - clothing, equipment, art-work, and stalls promoting their political, cultural or charitable activities. There's usually a collection of musicians like the excellent group shown below.

 Life here is not at all boring, but rather attractive as many of my posts to this blog regularly show.

Why don't you come and live here?

Cheers, Tony

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