Unsurprisingly Darwin has a large tourist attraction dedicated to the crocodile and we had great fun viewing large numbers of the beasts ranging from babies to 80 year old monsters. We could see them close up and from above, underneath, or side on. There were also biological exhibits explaining the species' evolution and the various kinds around the world (including Alligators and Caimans).
I wasn't aware that the salt-water crocodiles floating in Darwin harbour (you wouldn't want to fall in!) are at least 100 million years old (as a species) and the largest remaining anywhere. The 'salties', as they're called, also exist as far west as India's east coast and throughout Indonesia and Malaysia. Individuals may live as long as humans, but the statistic that most floored me was the strength of their jaws. The make the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex look like a wimp, with a crushing power about double the boss of the dinosaur world. So now I know why I should give them a wide berth and shout at Max when he cavorts on the shore-line!
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