Perhaps because of the heat and humidity, we've settled into a languid sort of routine here in the top end. The best times to be really active are from 7am to about 11am, and from 5 pm to about 8pm, with a kind of siesta in between. So we've taken to our bikes just after 7, with one or more of Dot and myself accompanying Max. At first he was reluctant to ride a pretty pink bike with trainer wheels, but he soon got over that.
His road sense is minimal right now, so it's just as well we have extensive bike tracks nearby. Even so, he can't keep in lane and it's a struggle to get him to recognise the rights of other cyclists, walkers and joggers. He frequently dashes off furiously from us before screeching to a halt when he observes some interesting items. These could be fallen coconuts (we have a collection); a rock pool (the apartment now has several minute crabs and shellfish); or palm fronds.
Late in the afternoon, we have made a habit of going to the local swimming pool with a noodle kindly supplied by our apartment's owners (they also supplied the bike, videos, games and toys for Max). He's almost swimming unaided, and likes diving (with me as security back-up). He can also move under water for sort distances.
Apart from this, we try to take in one excursion to a place of interest during the day - see following entries.
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