Saturday 8 February 2014

Slowly Roasting

This has been the hottest Summer I can ever recall in Armidale ... or anywhere else for that matter. Temperatures have reached as high as 37 C and many days have been 30 C or above. This might seem onerous, but fortunately most days have been crystal clear with low humidity. The killer is a mixture of hot weather and high humidity, like that experienced daily in the tropics - places like Cairns and Darwin. The curious thing this summer is that Armidale has frequently been warmer than either Darwin or Cairns, but much more bearable. I've just had a look at the forecasts for the next six days and the maxima are more of the same: 32, 32, 31, 30, 29 and 29, but alarmingly the middle days might be wet.

That said we could so with some rain. The last 5 weeks have yielded just 17mm or just 2/3rds of an inch when we normally receive 750 - 800 mm (or 30 - 32 inches) annually. Moreover, there is a summer maximum, so we're massively under the  average for those weeks. And the landscape around is slowly turning brown, except our garden where I've taken to irrigation. Fortunately Armidale has a very large supply of water and no restrictions have ever been put in place.



Richard said...

We too have an abundance of water in the UK as you may have heard on the international news!

Richard said...

We too have an abundance of water in the UK as you may have heard on the international news!