Monday 24 February 2014

Party, Party

The last couple of days have been hectic and tiring - basically setting up and decorating the party venue, Em's lounge-room, preparing all the food for the guests including the very nice cake which Emily crafted herself with help from Dot and Ella, and then hosting five visiting families. Have a look at the evidence. Here's number one himself - Flynn!

Then all the decorations revolved around theme of twinkle, twinkle little start (aka Flynn). On one wall there pictures of the little kid taken monthly since his birth: all measuring his height gain against his favourite bear. Above that, there was a frieze of stars saying happy birthday, Flynn. The above that came the message Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Stars cascaded down from light fittings, windows, the hatch to the kitchen and even the wood-heater's flue! There were balloons filled with helium to keep them aloft - at least in theory, and of course the cake.

And here's the guest of honour with his #1 T-shirt.

There was a mass of delicious food, which the ladies of the house, Ella included, had taken a long time to prepare.

Lots of friendly playmates, afloat in a sea of toys.

And the birthday boy was placed in his seat for the lighting of the candle.

And, believe it or not, part of the proceedings were viewed by Mike and Moira, and Rebecca and Max a long way off in Canberra.

All the participants were complimentary about the hospitality and Flynn's participation in his own celebration.


1 comment:

Richard said...

What a lovely party. My youngest grandson, Toby, will be one year old on the 24th April and I guess he too will have a little party for his friends and relations.