Saturday 5 August 2017

Another Gong

Personal events are happening thick and fast at the moment. Last Thursday I attended the Armidale Bridge Club's AGM, much as I've done for decades, and that was after the usual Thursday game I and my partner didn't quite live up to our reputations and came in second.

Towards the end of the AGM our President, Ian Price, announced that the committee, which I exited 12 months ago, had realised that no new life membership had been awarded for many years. I could have told them that since I was president when the last award was made back in the late 2000s. Anyway, the committee had decided to award 5 life memberships ... all deserved ... and my name came first 'out of the hat'. I received (i) a wonderful citation which I won't bore you with, (ii) a framed plaque recognising the event to join the many others I now have from various organisations, (iii) a photo of the event, which attached below,  and (iv) the promise that the club would now set up an honour board listing life members names.

This was highly satisfactory and energising. I'm off shortly to act as Director for the usual Saturday pairs game at our clubhouse located five 5 minutes walk from where we live. However, today's game has one other feature. The deals we'll be playing are the same this week across most clubs in  NSW and, in effect, we're playing against everyone in this state. That means we'll get sets of resulting scores: the first will reflect intra-club competition here in Armidale; and the second will be the inter-club scores in about a week's time when everyone in the state has had a chance to participate. Individual clubs meet on different days. As director today I'll be supervising a large number of players because the event has attracted a lot of attention. That may affect my own game as I'm playing as well as directing. Don't worry, I'll have no conflict of interest!

Anyway, here I am receiving my gong.


1 comment:

Em said...

Well done Dad!! Very much deserved. I'm glad they have recognized everything you've done for the club in your many years there. We're proud of you!!