Sunday 27 August 2017


Last weekend, when we visiting Bec and Max in Canberra, we did lots of interesting things that I'll discuss in subsequent posts, but one of the most exciting was to visit a cafe in Manuka, a suburb close to Parliament House. Exciting? Most cafes are rather similar and boring!

This one was call Patissez and it was different because it offered something magnificent I'd not come across before -  a Freakshake! This was, in effect, are rather elaborate and delicious milk-shake. It had oodles of cream and a lovely rich texture - very enjoyable. Here I am seated next to Bec anticipating the Freakshake arrival.

Here they've arrived.

And don't they look delicious?

These sorts of encounter really make life interesting. I don't like travelling in a rut and I see life as a set of boundless opportunity waiting to be seized.


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