Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Electioneering Australian Style

We're in the throes of a general election campaign that has been going on for nearly 9 months. The official campaign is 6 weeks long and we're half-way though that, which is suprising given that Commonwealth Parliaments last a maximum of three years.

This has been among the nastiest of campaigns, reaching new heights of dishonesty, slagging opponents, and bribery. It's enough to turn anyone off the concept of democracy and the thought of joining any political party. The problem is that an ageing and very tired government with a history of deceit and numerous incompetent ministers is desperate to hang on to office and affronted that the electorate might turn away from a government presiding over Australia's greatest economic success in about 120 years.

Unfortunately for them, the electorate isn't inclined to show gratitude. The polls this year have consistently shown a landslide to the Australian Labor (sic) Party rejuvenated by Kevin Rudd and campaigning under the slogan Kevin07. He's difficult to attack as he's a Blair substitute: articulate; professional wife; Christian credentials; centre of the road; promising to keep the good ship Australia on a steady course. His would-be ministers are accident-prone, but that matters less in a contest dominated by leaders, ground chosen by the incredibly narcissistic Howard. It's clear by now that his entire career is dominated by compulsion to win and gain office and letting nothing stand in his way. That served well in imposing discipline on a previously fractious Liberal party, but it is not working when the world is moving on, policy imperatives are changing and he's trapped in the past.

So we're regaled with daily exaggerations and absurdities, the most priceless of which is the story that the ALP front bench is inexperienced. Of course it would be after 11 years in opposition, but if one believed this crap the opposition should never win power and we'd be better off with a one-party state. The Liberals have made promises totalling perhaps $25 billion, matched for the mostpart by the ALP. The showering of dollars seems to have left the electorate underwhelmed once it was realised that the Liberals had been hoarding cash for the purpose and was bribing voters with their own money. In effect they had been grossly over-taxed!!

And so it goes on. No wonder that politicians are despised worse than used-car or insurance salesmen or real estate agents. Laws regarding honesty in advertising do not apply to them, which is just as well for their bank balances given the litany of untruths.

Thus, I'm going to vote independent yet again. Our region is the heartland of independents - there is no representative of the three major parties at either the Federal or State level. Armidale is served by two good acquaintances of mine, both with honour, integrity, and a record of acheivement. For this reason, Richard Torbay (State) reaps an 80% two-party preferred vote and the highest majority of any politican in Australia; Tony Windsor (Federal) gets about 70%. If you're not represented by an independent you should try the experience. They live on their ability to serve people well and can weigh up issues free of party hacks. Richard is a businessman and former mayor of Lebanese background. His daughter is the belly-dancer admired by Max. Tony is a farmer.

Stop press: the latest opinion poll has the ALP on about 54% and the Liberals on 46% and going backwards.


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