Thursday, 8 October 2020


 I love this time of year. After several cool and sometimes dreary winter months, things are warming up fast and nature is taking heed of the opportunity to renew itself. As I write this, we're heading to a maximum of 26 C today - the average Armidale temperature for mid-summer.

Yesterday, I ambled around our garden and took pictures of all the plants and shrubs in flower. And I was amazed by the range on offer! The only thing I don't like about this time of year is being dive-bombed by magpies seeking to defend their territory. I choose my walking routes carefully to avoid them!

So, have a look at the flowers in out garden:

I'm lucky that Dot is enthusiastic about tending to all the bushes, shrubs, bulbs and other plants we have. She does a wonderful job.


1 comment:

Laura said...

Gorgeous flowers and plants!