Friday, 6 September 2019

Dot's Hippie 74th

On the 27th August, Dot celebrated her 74th birthday with a party at home with some of her friends. At this time, Dot was recovering from her hip-replacement operation at our local private hospital, having returned home after discharge from that institution on Friday 23rd August.

In view of her surgery, Dot suggested having a hippie party, with people wearing hippie gear and each of us was provided with hip badges. Mine had 'Groovy' inscribed upon it. Well, our guests, with the exception of Rebecca, were let's say elderly so not much hippie gear was on display. I, however, wore one of my sleeveless shirts in honour of the occasion and Bec provided some groovy decorations for our dining area.

It was a festive occasion with lot's of nice food on the table, carefully selected presents, some vigorous discussion and reminiscences, and of course a rendition of 'happy birthday to you'. Still in recovery mode, Dot managed the occasion well.

Here are some views of the occasion I, and others, took with my mobile phone. Notice the banner Beck provided hanging from the window slats.

And here's the selfie that Bec took of us all together.

I also took a selfie showing the Groovy badge pinned to my shirt.

And, for a laugh on the part of my readers, I'll add an embarrassing picture of me having apparently gone to sleep at the table! Ouch!


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