Sunday 29 December 2013

Phew it's hot

Armidale's average summer temperature is a pleasant 26 C (79 F), but this year we're ending with a bang. Today we reached a rather humid 34 C (93 F), which is - the observant among you might already have observed 8 C above average. It felt more like the Persian Gulf rather than a mid-latitude hill town! And believe it or not a strong easterly sea breeze has arrived despite our being perhaps 170 km from the coast and over a mountain range. I guess the heat here is rather greater than the coast and our rising air sucks in the moist easterlies, but the effect is greatest in late afternoon. I was about to head off for a cycle ride a short while ago, but the combination of strong winds and considerable heat wasn't attractive even at 7 pm in the evening! I'll leave that task until 6.30 tomorrow morning.


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