Friday, 27 December 2013

Revulsion Rather Than Horror

My previous post warned readers about the potential hazards of 2014. If that worried you, you will be revolted by this post, which also indicates that I've been reading some strange literature over the Christmas break.

An American scientist, who shall remain nameless, has invented a new form of cheese! Most cheese involves adding heterofermentative bacteria and even fungal spores to milk to kick-start fermentation. However, our scientist has added bacteria from less usual sources to the process. Those sources are parts of the human body and especially the nose, the mouth and one's sweaty armpits!! These house various bacteria quite capable of fermenting milk and apparently the resulting taste sensation is palatable. 

Given the free availability of these ingredients, especially so in the case of nursing mothers, you might like to experiment and let me know the outcome. Maybe you'd give Brie, Emmental, and Gouda a run for their money and create in the process new and profitable home-based industries.

If you'd like to follow up on this, try reading The New Scientist, #2948, 21/28 December 2013, pp 78-79. The article in question is entitled "Curd your enthusiasm".


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