Thursday 26 December 2013

Xmas 2013

We had lovely day yesterday driving the 100 km to Tamworth down the New England Highway, which was almost deserted, to have our Xmas dinner with Bec, Rob's parents, and Max. They live in the pretty Cockburn Valley up towards the southern escarpment of the New England Tablelands.

The picture shows the view northwards with Bruce's olive trees in the foreground and the ranges behind. Before dinner we sat out on the verandah admiring the view and sipping beer or whatever tipple one fancied. There were lots of us - 11 in all, including our hosts and Rob's brother and Max was something of a live wire giving us a tour of the tree house he'd constructed and his ability to use a stock-whip to lasso a block of wood lying on the ground.. He could also crack the whip ... glad I wasn't on the receiving end!

It was a really traditional meal: lots of turkey and ham, cranberry sauce, roast veggies, sparkling wine and beers, ever-so-rich Christmas Pudding, crackers ... with awful jokes and party hats. It was all well organised and enjoyable.

The occasion was also an opportunity to discuss who looks after Max when during the remaining 4 weeks of the school holidays. We'll host him for at least 2 weeks, so expect a few posts as we tour around.

The only blot on the day was the weather! It rained on and off and was much cooler than I expected. Tamworth, at this time of the year, is mostly 30 C or more. And of course I was under-dressed for those conditions in my singlet and shorts!


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