Monday 6 January 2014

A Mention in The Adelaide Advertiser

My academic work sometimes features in the major media. I've been interviewed live on radio by shock jock Alan Jones, I've appeared on ABC TV, and have received mention in the likes of the Sydney Morning Herald as well as various regional media. Well, today it was the turn of the Adelaide Advertiser to document some of my work, in this case a joint project with my colleagues Dr Sonya Glavac (also UNE) and Ralph McLaughlin (San Jose State University). We examined the elasticities of supply of new housing in Adelaide using data Ralph accumulated when he was working in Adelaide up to 18 months ago.

The Advertiser was Rupert Murdoch's original newspaper before he constructed News Corporation by buying media assets all over the world.

It's always nice to see one's work appreciated!


1 comment:

Richard said...

Interesting article. Here, due to mismanagement by The Coalition, developers have an opportunity to build wherever they want until local councils produce a comprehensive plan. Many councils find the burdensome task slow to fulfil leaving the developers with a heaven sent chance in a lifetime to build anywhere. The Coalition will forever be remembers for the people who ruined the countryside.