Friday 3 January 2014

Unenviable (?) Record

I remember hearing from British colleagues that Nottingham once experienced heat-wave temperatures of 26 C which caused quite a few deaths among the elderly and made life miserable for nearly everyone. Well, that's the average summer maximum temperature here and we love it.

Alas, we endured record temperatures here today with the mercury climbing to 37 C - albeit brilliantly sunny and not too humid. That's about 98 F and the highest ever recorded here at 1000 m above sea level. Let's hope this doesn't last too long. Still it's better than the 49.1 C recorded westwards at the little town of Walgett. That's the highest recorded in NSW for over 50 years and just a little short of the all-time record. So, we're sweltering.

However, don't let this event scare you off from visiting us. Make your trip from September to November and you'll enjoy mostly delightful conditions!


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