Monday 6 January 2014

Splataholic at the Pool

Max is staying with us for 2 weeks and the obvious place to take him in our current hot weather is the town's very good swimming complex. He's a good swimmer, too, being professionally coached in Canberra every week.

To his great delight yesterday he found that that the pool has an inflatable assault course which he rushed to embrace, albeit at the end of a long queue.

His first traverse was a success, though starting rather gingerly.

He encountered and circumnavigated to first obstactle:

Then he ducked through and arch before encountering another yellow blob.

Then came a much larger obstacle requiring a bit of scrambling and leaping to tame.

Then came another yellow protuberance before the final assault on the slide into the water (shown in the first picture).

Max's second attempt was much less successful and he joined a lot of older kids in an early dunking, though they were often sky-larking and attempting the course with no hands! First he navigates the first yellow protuberance. Alas, he loses his grip coming through the arch, tries to grab the next yellow hump and finds it unforgiving. The result is in the final slide, which shows an ignominious splash!

Still Max didn't mind. He's a splataholic. To make things more difficult, one of the 'lifesavers' in charge sprayed participants with a strong blast of cold water. That caused many of the early departures from the assault course.


1 comment:

Richard said...

Did you try it Tony?