Friday 10 January 2014

World's Worst Driver (?) Goes Solo

Max accompanied us to the local fun-fair this evening. It was the typical mix of wild rides and side-show alley. We had mixed fortunes in the side-show bit. Max lost $5 in double quick time trying to win some bottles of beer, but won the largest teddy bear he's ever had elsewhere. Alas, I don't see much of a future for the bear unless Max donates the creature to Ella or Flynn.

Much more successful were the 'rides'. In one he sat in a kind of space-pod which went round in circles while rising and falling sharply.

In another he went through a house which seemed to have rising and falling staircases and floors ending in a spiral slippery dip.

But the piece de resistance (excuse me the lack of French accents) were the dodgem cars. He had two long rides, the first with me as passenger and then a solo effort. All I can say is that he seemed hell-bent on giving me a rough ride as we collided heavily with just about everyone else.

Yes, that's me in the white singlet. It's warm down here, even at 8 pm in the evening!
The second effort was much more serene, though not completely void of collisions. Maybe he's learning well how to drive and his improvements, if continued, might see him driving California free-ways in a couple of years or so.

Altogether it was a successful and enjoyable evening.


1 comment:

Richard said...

Max's driving reminds me that Tim learnt to drive quite young on our powerful ride-on lawn tractor when we lived in Baltonsborough and had a large amount of grass to cut. When he reached 17 he passed his driving test at the first attempt.