Thursday 16 January 2014

Full Moon

We've been having some beautiful weather the last few days. Temperatures have hovered around 30 C; it has been endlessly sunny; humidity has been very low and therefore high temperatures are bearable; and the air is crystal clear - no pollution of any kind.

So when I peered out of my study window yesterday evening I saw a full moon rising above the horizon just as darkness enveloped the landscape and one could clearly see its cratered surface. I rushed outdoors with my camera to catch the bewitching brew. Alas this photo doesn't do justice to the occasion. We need the kind of feelies of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World; the gentle breeze, the aroma of the evening air, the silence of this neighbourhood, the feelings of immensity of landscape, and so on. The photo was taken looking north-east over our garden fence without flash.


1 comment:

Em said...

Wow, is that the old school building? Looks so different! Beautiful shot of the moon.