Friday 10 January 2014

Butterfly House

Max, being an avid nature-lover, immediately announced his delight when when told we were going to visit a nearby butterfly farm ... or house. And he had heaps of fun identifying the various species flying around  and learning about their life-cycles, eating habits, pupa, caterpillar antecedents, and so on. He also admired their flying actions and colouring. He even tried to holding on to various butterflies, though not successfully. Here are some of the species on display.

Many of the butterflies were imports from other parts of Australia, but since Coffs Harbour has a climate akin to parts of the West Indies, it's easy to maintain them.


1 comment:

Richard said...

We visited the Royal Horticultural Society Gardens at Wisley last week and they had many wonderful tropical butterflies flying free in the tropical hothouse.