Sunday 24 November 2013

An Unusual Meal

Kids are often not very adventurous when it comes to consuming new and unexpected foods. We had an opportunity last night to test this hypothesis when nine of us (six adults and three children) went out to dine. We chose, bizarrely you may think, a Peruvian restaurant in Canberra's suburb of Dickson called Cholo's! And, on the menu, were such delicacies as Ox Heart and tongue and Llama chops along more usual foods cooked in Peruvian style. The kids, by the way, were Flynn, Ella, and Max, pictured successively here. Despite the late hour - about 6.15 pm - they seemed to be alert and connected. We were originally booked into a Brazilian restaurant, but when we reached there the music was so loud and the promised entertainment of scantily dressed women dancers was iffy for young minds that we cancelled that in favour of the opposite side of the continent separated by the Andes.

I also have to say that Flynn was spared the choice of food. He chose the safety of breast milk and some manufactured purée. Max and Ella, on the other hand dived into ethnic food and found it tasty - no complaints. I guess she's used to Mexican, Ethiopian and other menus, so the new didn't come as a shock and the meats were attractively disguised!

If you sight a Peruvian restaurant in your neighbourhood, I'd recommend giving it a go, even with young kids in tow.


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