Saturday 23 November 2013

Playing in the Park

On a nice fine day we met up with Emily Ella and Flynn in a lovely park close to the centre of Belconnen and Lake Gininderra. We started at the lake-side where the kids caught sight of their first Black Swans and a variety of other bird life. Even I learned something new. The cygnets actually have greyish plumage, not black, as you can see here.

But most of our time there saw Ella try out a variety of standard and even strange play equipment: a rocking contraption, the inevitable slippery dip, a spinning cage, and amazingly a flying fox. Mind you, Ella had to be held on tightly, especially as it moved quite quickly. She's only 2, but very game when it comes to trying out these things.

Then came a spinning device, which even Flynn tried at his tender 9 months.

All this took place in lovely surroundings - lots of tall trees, grassy banks, and even cascading water nearby.


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