Thursday 21 November 2013

Cousins Together

One of the great delights of our current trip to Canberra is seeing Ella, Flynn and Max play together. A few days ago we travelled in convoy from Sydney to Canberra where Emily and kids were to stay with Greg's parents, Mike and Moira. Dot and I are staying with Bec, Rob and Max a short distance away and we're seeing quite a lot of each other.

During the journey here we did something really imaginative and stopped at an eatery with golden arches at a motorway stop half-way between the two cities. This is where I whipped out my camera and took pictures of Ella and Flynn sitting in high chairs:

It was a day later that we got Ella and Flynn together with Max. Incidentally we were going up Gininderra Way when I saw a remarkable sign at the roadside. It read FLYNN! Most suburbs in Canberra are named after prominent people, so I was stunned that the locals saw fit to name a suburb after someone who is only 9 months old. Anyway, here they all are sitting on of Bec's sofas.

After this shot and play with some of Max's toys, we headed outside on a nice day and Ella was taken with Max's trampoline. She was soon outside and bouncing on it furiously despite being a little less than 2.5 years old!

We soon added Flynn to the menu and he seemed to express great pleasure at being able to join in - and to Ella's delight.

And soon Max joined Ella for some serious bouncing.

Ella wound up with some gardening. She's very attracted to plants and here she is watering one of Bec's flower pots.

Later in, Ella tried on Max's crash helmet - the one he uses with his BMX bike and skate-board.

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