Wednesday 27 November 2013

Lanyon Homestead

Dot, I and Bec visited the historic Lanyon Homestead just south of Canberra the other day - one of the oldest country homes open to the public and decorated in high Victorian style mimicking Britain at the time. Indeed, parts of the complex date back to convict days - earlier than 1850. The commentary we had from our guide was detailed and informed .... all the way down to the treatment of the convicts, which was pretty terrible. The surrounding country in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains was also attractive. Rob and Max were also there, but did not come into the house.


1 comment:

Richard said...

This reminds me somewhat of the Welsh National folk Museum at St Faggons on the outskirts of Cardiff where old buildings from all over Wales have been dismantled and rebuilt there.
On an entirely unrelated topic, Jean and I treated Helen, Ian and the boys to a ride on the Santa Special at Swanage on the lovely preserved railway there.There was sherry and mince pies for the grown ups and soft drinks and biscuits for the children as we chuff chuffed along then Santa came along and greeted each child and gave a decent age appropriate gift. It was a great treat for grandparents, parents and children.
Richard Snow.