Saturday 23 November 2013

Sporting Max

Max's parents have introduced to a large variety of sports, other than BMX bike riding, skateboarding, fising and that sort of thing, In winter he plays soccer, in summer cricket and tennis, and all year round there's swimming. We went over to the impressive swimming centre in down-town Belconnen - one of Canberra's major suburbs - last Tuesday evening to see his coaching at all of the major styles - back-stroke, breast-stroke, free-style and even butterfly. Here he is in action:

Last night he went to a cricket match lasting about 2.5 hours and both sides were required to play in full regalia. Here he is preparing to bat, and the second picture shows him at the crease on the right in the red helmet.

And an action shot shows trying to hit a ball, though in this case he missed.

And here's Max bowling.

Part of the game was watched by Ella and Flynn. Actually the latter was sitting on the grass with his back to the game, while Ella started her cricket career trying to hit Em's deliveries - maybe she'll play for the Matildas one day.

Finally, a group photo of Max and his cousins illuminated by the setting sun.


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