Sunday 17 November 2013

Great View

Dot and I are visiting Sydney to greet Emily and her family on their two-week visit to Australia. Coming down we took our now favourite route down Thunderbolt's Way - named after a lone bush-ranger called Fred Ward (alias Captain Thunderbolt) who held up stage coaches in the 19th century. Fortunately, he's long been gone in a shoot-out, so we were in no danger ... except from the many glorious views en route.This is one of the most scenic roads in Australia in my view and for perhaps 150 km doesn't go though any settlement. We stopped for a while at our usual resting place to admire the view. I can't remember the name of the lookout, but you can find it at 31 degrees 39 minutes and 21.08 seconds south; and 151 / 48 / 33.06 E!! Look it up on Google earth. Anyway I attach a couple of photos looking south towards Barrington Tops which rise to 5000 ft asl.

Despite all the rain we've had recently, the countryside is still a dull brown colour. On this occasion, however, we had a crystal clear day and could see vast distances.


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